----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 11:11 PM
Subject: AWOL - The Ancient World Online
Open Access Journal: Documenta Praehistorica Posted: 16 Dec 2012 05:02 AM PST [First posted in AWOL 21 January 2010. Most recently updated 16 December 2912] Documenta PraehistoricaISSN 1408-967X Documenta Praehistorica (ISSN 1408-967X) is a yearly journal of archaeological interdisciplinary scientific research. It is one of the main world-wide international journals of interpretations of modern archaeological research data related to the processes and to the events in the European and Asian prehistory. Research papers and reports are published in English language and worldwide distributed. They are mainly focused on: cognition and materialities of prehistoric cultures, archaeogenetic studies, palaeo- demography, population dynamics and cultural trajectories in prehistory, settlement and landscape dynamics, climate anomalies, radiocarbon dating, palaeodietary reconstruction based on stable isotope analysis, chemistry in archaeology and palaeoenvironmental studies.
Documenta Praehistorica is available electronically (ISSN 1854-2492) at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Archaeology and on National and University Library, The Digital Library of Slovenia. All but the current issue are available on open access
Open Access Journal: Eos. Czasopismo Filologiczne Organ Towarzystwa Filologicznego Posted: 16 Dec 2012 04:48 AM PST Eos. Czasopismo Filologiczne Organ Towarzystwa Filologicznego „Eos. Commentarii Societatis Philologae Polonorum" jest periodykiem naukowym, w którym publikują światowej klasy specjaliści z różnych dziedzin nauk o starożytności. Czasopismo zostało założone w roku 1894 we Lwowie, a jego pierwszym redaktorem naczelnym był prof. Ludwik Ćwikliński. „Eos" jest organem Polskiego Towarzystwa Filologicznego.
Obecnie redakcja ma swoją siedzibę we Wrocławiu – w Instytucie Studiów Klasycznych, Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych UWr.
"Eos" is a peer-reviewed biannual journal devoted to Greek and Roman antiquity and classical tradition. It was founded in 1894 in Lwów (Lviv) by Ludwik Ćwikliński and is published by the Polish Classical Association (Societas Philologa Polonorum).The editorial office is currently located at the Institute of Classical, Mediterranean and Oriental Studies at the university of Wrocław (Poland).Digital Library of Wielkopolska has made available the electronic version of full content of "Eos" volumes 1894-1939. Selected content from recent fascicles can be found here.  |
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG®) Updates Posted: 15 Dec 2012 10:56 AM PST Forty-four new works have been added to the TLG since mid July 2011 0563 | MAXIMUS Soph. 002 Dissertationes | 1747 | VITA ADAM ET EVAE Hagiogr. et Apocryph. 002 Vita Adam et Evae | 2705 | NICETAS DAVID Scr. Eccl., Gramm. et Phil. 006 Encomium sancti Diomedis | 2944 | LEO VI SAPIENS Imperator Scr. Eccl., Phil. et Poeta 007 Tactica | 3028 | Nilus DOXAPATRES Gramm. et Nomograph. 001 Notitia patriarchatuum | 3293 | Franciscus PHILELPHUS Rhet. 004 De psychagogia | 3327 | JOASAPH Ephesius Phil. et Scr. Eccl. 002 Responsiones ad quaestiones presbyteri Georgii Drasini 003 Carmina in Joannem Notaram 004 Exegesis 005 Homilia in hymnum $*FW=S I(LARON& rogati Nili monachi scripta 006 Epistula Joasaphi ad Nilum | 3359 | NICETAS AMNIANUS Hagiogr. 002 Vita Philareti Misericordis | 3371 | NARRATIONES ANIMAE UTILES Hagiogr., Biogr., Eccl. et Narr. Fict. 001 De Monacho superbo (BHG 1450x) | 4085 | HESYCHIUS Lexicogr. 001 Epistula ad Eulogium 002 Lexicon 003 Lexicon 004 Lexicon ($*P-*S&) 005 Lexicon ($*T-*W&) | 4146 | Maximus PLANUDES Theol. et Polyhist. 025 Encomium sancti Diomedis | 4157 | JOANNES Sardianus Rhet. 004 Commentarium in Aphthonii progymnasmata | 4239 | SEVERUS Soph. 002 Narrationes vel $DIHGH/MATA& 003 Ethopoeiae | 5059 | MENOLOGII IMPERIALES Hagiogr. 031 Vita Iasonis et Sosipatris 032 Passio sancti Christophori | 5133 | PASSIONES SANCTI GEORGII Hagiogr. 001 Passio s. Georgii (e codice Atheniensi 343 collato Vaticano Palatino graeco 205, palimpsesto) | 5134 | VITAE SANCTI EUSIGNII Hagiogr. 001 Passio sancti Eusignii | 5135 | VITAE ANDREAE SALI Hagiogr. 001 Vita sancti Andreae sali (sub auctore Nicephoro) 002 Appendices vitae sancti Andreae sali (e codicibus variis) | 5136 | VITA ET PASSIO SANCTI DIOMEDIS Hagiogr. 001 Passio brevis (BHG 550) | 5137 | PASSIONES SANCTI JACOBI ZEBEDAEI Hagiogr. 001 Laudatio seu Passio (BHG 768a) | 5138 | PASSIO SANCTORUM ADRIANI ET NATALIAE Hagiogr. 001 Passio sanctorum Adriani et Nataliae | 5139 | PASSIO MARTYRUM MIII NICOMEDIAE Hagiogr. 001 Passio martyrum MIII Nicomediae | 5140 | PASSIO SANCTAE THEODOSIAE M. CAESAREAE Hagiogr. 001 Passio sanctae Theodosiae m. Caesareae | 5141 | PASSIO SANCTI THEODORI PERGENSIS Hagiogr. 001 Passio sancti Theodori Pergae in Pamphylia | 5142 | PASSIO SANCTI ANANIAE Hagiogr. 001 Passio sancti Ananiae | 5143 | PASSIO MENODORAE et METRODORAE ET NYMPHODORAE Hagiogr. 001 Passio Menodorae, Metrodorae et Nymphodorae (BHG 1272z) | 5144 | PASSIO SANCTI THEOPEMPTI ET THEONAE Hagiogr. 001 Passio sancti Theopompi et Theonae | 5145 | PASSIO SANCTI THEODORETI ANTIOCHENI Hagiogr. 001 Passio sancti Theodoreti Antiocheni (BHG 2425) | 5146 | PASSIO SANCTAE THOMAIDAE LESBIAE Hagiogr. 001 Passio sanctae Thoma�dae Lesbiae | 9009 | Michael APOSTOLIUS Paroemiogr. 009 Sermo ad socerum | See more TLG News here  |
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